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Miss Molly, like your favourite teacher who always wore mismatching outfits. Who would’ve thought these ingredients go together? We didn’t, but turns out we were wrong. What you’ll need 45ml Anthology Zero or any new malt (clear) Anthology 30ml lime juice 30ml elderflower A sprig of mint A few inches of rhubarb Soda water Smash […]…Read more
Inspired by that ‘ole deviant uncle in every family. You know the one—he blames his farts on the dog and gives you an empty bottle of whisky for Christmas because he accidentally drank it all. We’ll cheers to him with what’s left. What you’ll need 30ml Anthology Two or Four or any dark Anthology series […]…Read more
Whether you’re playing backyard cricket, having a barbie or staying indoors for some odd reason (like trying to maintain a pallid goth complexion), summer isn’t complete without this delicious fruity cocktail. It feels as good as a mullet must feel flapping in the breeze. What you’ll need 30ml Anthology Zero or Three or any new […]…Read more
A homage to all those sidekicks who were way more badass than the heroes. This one is as cleverly designed as a plan from Agent 99 and delivers a punch to your face as mighty as Chewbacca’s. Rrrrrrr-ghghghghgh! What you’ll need 45ml Anthology One or Four or any of the dark Anthology series 30ml butterscotch […]…Read more
John Hyslop would like it to be known that he has not set out to destroy the Tasmanian whisky industry. In fact he is a big fan of Tasmanian whisky, having worked for a year at a well known Tasmanian distillery…Read more
We dropped into the Big Screen Small Screen studio to have a chat on their weekly show….Read more
Think you know everything about John Hyslop, chief science guy at Deviant? Here’s a decent roundup from the Pitchfest in 2017….Read more
A Sandy Bay businessman with expertise in industrial chemistry has devised a way to create the equivalent of a 10-year-old whisky in just 10 weeks.
And his idea has won him a $5000 entrepreneur’s prize….Read more
John Hyslop is currently running a small pilot plant with a 50-litre still to “establish proof of concept” for his technology….Read more
We encountered some deadset legends at the Hobart Twilight Market during our first week. With positive feedback and the right attitude, we sold out in under 90 minutes. Check out the video above! If you missed us or just want some more, come along on any of these dates: 20 October 3 November 17 November […]…Read more